
Msqur Update v0.53b

I’ve rolled out the update 0.53b to This includes: INI Parsing (i.e. better MSQ support) Bug fixes and better error handling So now it is a bit more usable. The INI Parsing turns out to be a bit more complex than I anticipated, but I rolled out a decent intermediate update in the meantime. Before completing the INI parsing (or anything else for that matter), I’ve decided to overhaul the entire codebase.

Carduino 2.0 – Intel Galileo Setup

Out of the box the Galileo is setup to run sketches uploaded from volatile memory, which is really lame. I didn’t spend much time with it using the stock SPI kernel. So, an SD card is pretty much required to do any serious development with this board. This is not a bad thing (although you aren’t running in real-time anymore), since having a full OS to use has lots of advantages. Plus, this way I can automate the build process in a way I’m more familiar with.

Carduino 2.0

Over a year ago I got an Arduino Uno and a CAN-BUS Shield to try and make some kind of datalogger for my car. I was also interested in using the OpenXC library with it (which might need a port if there isn’t one already, since it uses the Digilent chipKIT Max32 development board). While OpenXC allows interfacing with Android stuff for phones, I’m more interested in a self-contained datalogging type deal.

Custom Speed app update

I update Custom Speed to 1.1. Changes include: An actual theme (consistent colors) More units New icon 2.0 will include an actual settings page that will allow the units to be selected from an easier control, a setting for keeping the display on, and other minor UI improvements. There’s no ETA currently for 2.0.

Refactoring with regular expressions

I’m re-learning JavaScript, and I noticed I was refactoring functions a lot on some old code. I’m putting some useful stuff here for reference: aFunc(blah) → this.aFunc = function(blah) Find: function (\w+)( Replace with: this.\1 = function(  To go the other way: Find: \t(\w+)\s=\sfunction( Replace with: \tfunction \1(  Change aFunc(blah) to SOME.qualifier.aFunc(blah) **Find: **\t(\w+() **Replace with: **\tSOME.qualifier.\1